I’ll be on the ANL Bindaree from 25 August to around 15 September when we are due in Auckland. I won’t be at this website, but with a bit of luck with satellite communications you’ll be able to track my progress and read the ‘every second day’ blog here
Without an ‘on blog’ Comment facility, please send me your comments / views to lifeaseriesofadventures@gmail.com
I really do value input and just remember I’ll only be able to respond once in New Zealand.
(A great thanks to ‘Mailasail‘ who provide the great ‘from the ship’ blogging service, and have helped me with my adventure blogs over the past 10 years.)
Who is this handsome guy???

Ha-ha! I cannot deny that this Trumped by Nature adventure has been TOUGH!
In the June e-letter I warned it would be the ‘Most Extreme Adventure’ yet! Adventure involves Risk, and believe it or not I ‘hate Risk’! But I believe that without some form of ‘Discomfort Zone Risk’ in our lives we are merely souls dormant in stagnation! So I have learnt to accept and live with Risk. In that light (Ha-ha!): I’m nearly signed off on The Purpose of Life (for Me s just as just another non-anthropocentric, creature of Nature!) as being:
The pursuit of full human intensity as Nature intended us to be, and participating as a full team member on Nature’s side of The Chasm!
Today, ‘desperately’ seeking some ‘comfort zone inspiration’ I paged through my Simply Adventure, ‘Picture Book’, and magically the ‘battered activist’ perked back up to 100%: Ready for the next steps into the activist journey unknown!
There we go: Using Nature again hey!! While I’m away I leave that book here for you to maybe also enjoy too…(It takes a few seconds to download: Quality requires patience!)
Maybe in the context of its images and One Point Zero pondering these questions will help our sharing l learning in our upcoming Pacific crossing together:
What is Nature for YOU? What defines Nature’s boundary? Do you believe we are ‘part of Nature’ or ‘some’ separate being? If a ‘separate being, what should our relationship with Nature and The Planet be? Are devastating storms, disease and sickness part of Nature or ‘an outside evil’? Is their a striving for ‘Happiness’ in Nature?
Now no ‘cheating’ by looking at this I do think these are fundamental keys to filling the gaps of how and why we have got to ‘One Point Six, and ever increasing‘!
While I am at sea ‘struggling’ without ‘you’ in ‘my cell’ why not also checkout the Resources page and treat yourself to one of the books I ‘found useful’ in understanding Our One Point Zero Challenge?
OK, best I say Good Bye from terra firma! Just give me ‘a day or two’ to settle into my new blue, prison cell. (vs Cap Capricorn’s red one) before I can get blogs going!
Hey, I’m really looking forward to my 20 day sentence…. I have this feeling inside though that I maybe the ONLY passenger! Well I’ll be relying on ‘you guys’ a lot more then hey?? Not really ‘Solo but Not Alone‘ is one of my motto!
All the best in your 20 days living too, hey!
A ‘cute’ Photo PS: