One Point Zero: The Final Ascent

The Final Ascent of One Point Zero:   DONE!!

With my arrival back in New Zealand a week ago, I’m thrilled to be able to say: The Mission has been ‘Successfully accomplished!!

I have now been ‘There’ and I have lived in ‘The Place’ called ‘One Point Zero‘ for more than 12 months….   (Want to understand ‘in a nutshell’ what a One Point Zero life means?  Read here.)

The ‘Final Ascent’ medal ceremony follows: In Hollywood!  Invitations will go out once the current scandal dies down….!! Ha-ha:  Let’s not hold our breaths in waiting:

We all want to feel powerful, but the only real power is ‘Truth to Power‘.  That’s Power from Within.  Nature can teach us a lot, but sadly, our anthropocentric, western ideology does not include, a respect of a beyond human, ‘Higher Power’, restraint!

This final ascent was about exactly that:  The ‘medal’ within of ‘Truth to Power’ that goes with the real experience of living within ‘The Place‘!:  A One Point Zero lifestyle World.  It felt so cosy in there I think I’ll set up permanent home in ‘The Place‘!

Russian and English hoping to attract Revolution creating advertising!!!

                                        World Stock Take Report: The Official One! 

Beyond ME and medals, the past 18 months purposely involved an EXTENSIVE, around the world, ‘Stock Taking’ of Society….. to find ‘The Truths’ behind, the many fenced off, segments of society today.

Hmmm….., breaking through class, cultural, sexist, spiritual, and political fences to get to the ‘Society Truths’, during this time of unprecedented turmoil in the world, has been absolutely fascinating….Gut wrenching at times!

I want to thank the many of ‘you’ all over the world, who gave me of your time along the way, and then to the many, many new friends / acquaintances, I met and exchange ideas: All a big Thank You, and without your input, my mission would not have been the success it was.

Stock Take Conclusions

In its broad and deep goals, this 18 months has been, beyond doubt the most challenging time of my life!  The exploration has taken me further to the core of who WE are as Humans, how we, as Human Society ‘were’ supposed live flourishing lives on this Planet, and how far away from that we are heading!

As a ‘class traitor’, over these past 18 months I’ve all too often witnessed the elite class’s silent abuse. I was astounded at how many of ‘us’ have just given up tacitly supporting the situation: They would say to me:

“Mate your intention is great, but you are wasting your time:  The elite run this whole system and we are just pawns in it. Their greed, selfishness, and keeping ‘us’ silently in obedient slavery is all part of their purposeful design. They care nothing for your cause and they will never change”.

Our ‘One Point Seven planet needing’ problem today, is a giant symptom of the same greed, exploitative and abusive personality.

I have no doubt that much of the current unprecedented turmoil in the world is directly related to our underlying inability to Belong with Nature and The Planet.  We as a collective have lost our instinctive human purpose, and in, our western ideology, have developed belief and value systems that are alien to Nature, and what are required to Belong on the Planet. This western ideology, or shoots of it (China and Russia, adjusted forms’ has become the new religion for the whole world. Yet it is not based on any ‘Higher Power’ context.   All heavy stuff, but truly fascinating!  (Pause Time:     Maybe you don’t quite understand what One Point Zero means? Read about it ‘in a nutshell’ here.)

The interesting thing is that once people do understand One Point Zero ‘they all’ agree:

‘WE’ as Humans cannot be aiming for anything above a ‘One Point Zero’ world?!  We will be failing in our basic Human Purpose! ‘It’s obvious!”

However unfortunately,

‘WE’ as society aren’t aiming THERE, so will never get ‘There’!

I sense

‘We’ are trapped in the ever-growing Crowd, its lies and ‘alienated Belonging’!

We each need

The courage and conviction to step out of The Crowd and find our real Belonging and our true Humanness!

Suffice to say that it is now blatantly obvious, that nothing short of a radical Global Revolution will change the course Humanity is on. We all know that significant global change has started happening, albeit not focused specifically on the goal of a One Point Zero world. The challenge is to help society see the direct connection with the ‘discontent’ and our the alienation of our Ultimate Belonging: With Nature and Our Planet.

Arguing about an acceptable  Global Warming Temperature Rise Target will Not Solve our ‘Inconvenient Truth’ Dilemma, because Global Warming isn’t ‘The REAL Inconvenient Truth’….??:  This below is:

I do sincerely hope one can now see why One Point Zero is such a unique, simple, clear and all unifying Humans Initiative, and that what we are dealing with is is not a Global Warming problem, nor an Environmental Problem, but a Human Identity and Belonging problem…..

The concepts of Ecological FootprintEcological Capacity and Ecological Demand are critical components of understanding of One Point Zero, and are the intellectual property of Global Footprint Network. To understand them more read here.)

(These facts and figures above and the methodology behind the One Point Zero concept is all courtesy of The Global Footprint Network, and by clicking the link you can find out where your nation fits in.  If you want to have some idea of what your own personal Ecological Footprint today is go here.)

Hmmm, that would have been ‘convenient’.. But, no more, its actually ‘Inconvenient’ flying…!!!!

It is in the above ‘Truth’ context’ that I’ll be hoping to connect my real life, ‘One Point Zero’ ‘Truth to Power’ experience, to be of use to Humanity!

PS:   To see how maybe this fits in with unfolding political trends around the world: Check out this perspective from the ‘Man from Mars’ on the run up to the recent UK election! (For context:  Fifteen years ago, I WAS a devout Neo- Libertarian!

If you connect with any of this or more about One Point Zero I’d love to hear from you. Send me an email at