Howard’s deeper motive for the Hopleless / Helpless Sharing

Firstly:  Because of who I am, I like closure, and as few as possible mysteries / rumour mongering, on wrong assumptions, ‘out there’! One Point Zero has been a very difficult and often lonely pursuit, and in taking strong, and often controversial positions, sadly, I know many have wanted me to fail.   I also know there are lots of people who have followed me from my explorer days, and even before, who really do care for me.  So in essence, I want ‘everyone’ to know the Truths, of One Point Zero, in all its gory, yet liberating detail.

Secondly, I am using this writing / sharing process partly as the Freedom stage of my Truth to Power journey. That from Finding ‘Truth’, to being ‘Miserable’ to then having ‘Freedom’ from the truth burden.

By committing my exploration and conclusions to writing, and then public disclosure that could be useful for others, I add a layer of rigor and personal conviction to this Truth to Power journey..

All this sharing on a subject that I believe will increasingly demand from all of us to take some form of deeper personal position. Whether that be public or otherwise, our positions will reflect WHO we are and that WHAT for which we stand. Hopefully in my sharing of how I am doing there can be a small contribution to helping others think about with how they deal with it.

This process in no way trying to persuade you to join my ‘camp’, or agre with My Conclusions! As a Freedom ‘junkie’ of the highest order, I know each has to find their own route to their own Freedom! But I also know that the strong views of others can really help one formulate one’s own position relative to those views.

If you aren’t already on your Truth to Freedom journey around the Climate Truths, I hope in some small way this e-letter inspires you to set out on your own journey……

