What The Wise Humans ‘Do’and ‘Say’:

As I pointed out in my last post: Each time a recession has kicked in, the Central bankers and Political leadership of The World, in their ‘apparent wisdom’, have quickly stepped in radically reducing the ‘Cost of Money’ and also ‘Printing Money‘ in vast amounts more.

This all to get ‘us’ back to what we love doing: ‘Spending and spending, to make us feel better, and now with ‘Gift Money‘ created from ‘Thin air‘’!
The result is that the past decade we have the virtually the lowest cost ‘Money’ ever, the most ‘Money’ on issued per capita by miles, and the deepest debt ever ….. And then, Not Surprisingly, ‘The Chasm’, between Nature and Humanity, has grown wider and wider every year!

Climate Change and Global Warming is the ‘heat’ arising from ‘The Chasm‘, that ‘we feel’, and ‘Earth Overshoot Day ‘, ‘The Chasm‘s long bankrupt ‘Book of Account’. ‘The Chasm‘, like the record Debt Burden, is now at near catastrophic proportion?

The ‘Three Red Arrows‘ seem to indicate that it would be better if we had less Money it would be better and if it became more expensive that maybe ‘we’ would find a way to use less.
Sounds like the early ideas for that ‘Perfect Recession’?
But hey, I’m not a ‘wise human’, so let’s from some of todays’, Wisest of The Wise, Wizards their perspectives on ‘The Perfect Recession’ perspectives:
First: ‘THE Wisest Human on Earth‘:

Donald Trump!
Sorry, but that needs a dedicated post, so watch this space on 28 October 2018 as a Midterm election primer!
French president ‘Grabbing’ a vacant ‘World Stage’ for Himself:
Here is what the ‘rockstar aspiring’, Macron, recently had to say :
“We have decided to make France a model in the fight against climate change. That is, for me, a huge advantage in terms of attractiveness and competitiveness… you can create a lot of jobs in such a strategy.”
His plan is clearly not Recession based, and with a focus on the obvious first steps, of ‘shutting down coal fired electricity plants, his remedy is a partial ‘Blood Transfusion Solution’ at best!
When in Rome, Not as The Italians do: Buy Lot of Time, Not Pasta!
The Club of Rome: One of the preeminent ‘Think Tanks’ in the world produced a thick, glossy report entitled “A Finer Future”. With many ‘wizards’ involved in a lengthy study, their ‘Conclusions’ were:
1. The human world faces civilizational collapse with widespread environmental and social consequences, many already obvious.
2. The conditions for this were created by human activity and can be undone by human actions.
3. To avoid collapse, we need to embrace a new cultural story, one where humanity lives in harmony with nature and where social tensions are drastically reduced.
4. As this new story will take several years to implement we need a strategy to survive in the short-term and buy time. (Read the full report here.)
Well!: Besides stating ‘The Obvious’ of ‘our crisis’, their take in the context of ‘The Perfect Recession’ seems to say:
‘We probably need something ‘very drastic’, but hold off any recessions for a ‘long while’, while ‘some other people’ think about What to Do to prevent the otherwise fact of “Civilisation collapse”? Least they point to the seriousness.
I wonder what ‘they’ mean by “Humanity living in harmony with Nature”? Could that be ‘The Chasm‘ is no more? Earth Overshoot Day no more?: That we live in credit with Nature?
Wow, or am I being too hopefully idealistic, and “harmony” is just about more of us, watching more, BBC Blue Planet documentaries?
Unheeded Wisdom from The Great Financial Crisis ‘Hour’
This going back to 29 January 2009: The World Economic Forum, in Davos, Switzerland:
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon underlined that “within the current multiple crises (of that GFC time), climate change is the “only one truly existential threat” and called on the world’s leaders to use the current economic crisis to launch a new Global Compact entailing a “Green New Deal.” Read the full report here:
Wow, there it is! Was he REALLY asking ‘All the Wizards’ attending to seriously think about maybe ‘letting’ the GFC run into that Green New Deal: ‘The Perfect Recession’ ????
There is certainly a hint in his words that The GFC was the ‘Hour of Opportunity’! What happened to that ‘Hour’?

A few days later, close on 1000 private jets took off from Switzerland to take their wise passengers back to their work, and almost 10 years later, it is clear that this call went unheeded: The ‘Hour of Opportunity‘ squandered!
Those ‘wizards’ must have had more important work to do?
What it could have been, and why did they even go to Davos then? Maybe they preferred creating ‘Money’ or a much better ‘Ego food’ was the distraction? Without ‘The Distraction’ they could now have become the anointed architects for the now completed design for ‘The Perfect Recession’?
Now not ot only ready to use the next ‘Hour of Opportunity‘, but creating ‘The Hour‘ themselves!
But in their silence there has been no ‘architectural work’ done, just finessing of the Recession Prevention Manual!
Climate Change IS happening, Just Look after Your Money.
Here is what a journalist had to say about UK Central Banker, Mark Carney’s recently launched, BOE initiative to address Climate Change. Carney, a seasoned Wizard who was probably at Davos 2009): “His initiative springs from a concern that the impacts of global warming – and efforts to tackle it – may hit the value of certain assets. Investors that fail to anticipate those trends could lose money”. Read here:
It would appear that his primary concern re Climate Change is about the Value of Financial Assets, and Investors likelihood of losing money! That seems like self-interested distraction, and basically an acceptance that “We are deep in the Climate Change ‘dwang’, it’s the fact of the future, and I’ll help ‘you’ deal with protecting your ‘Money’”. Central Bankers could be seen as being part ‘architects of the economy’, but Carney’s initiative is one of a ‘Victim Architect’. Maybe trapped in the mind of his own ‘Victim Architecture’, he realises his ‘Hour of Opportunity’ to be THE Architect below, has long gone?
Old Wisdom of Words: Where are Modern Day Architects?
– Buckminster Fuller
The only ‘Architects’ that I see around, are those who don’t seem to buy into Our Human Existential Imperative: That to Live Within One Planet’s bioregenetaive resourses. A One Point Zero world. A world where there is No Chasm. A world where the Earth Overshoot Day, ‘Book of Accounts‘ only has ‘black ink’ figures. That is the mandatory, highest condition, of ‘The Design‘ brief.
Being an architect for the ‘cop out’ 1.5 Degree C or 2.5 Degree C ‘acceptable warming’, world is not the brief Buckminster would have accepted. I’m convinced that in his context he would have said that that is a the job of the Victim Architect. ‘We’ are starting with the ‘Wrong Brief‘, because we fear the ‘Three Red Arrows‘ reality, and in that fear we will be designing ours selves into ‘victimhood‘.
I wonder if Buckminster believed in ‘Magic for Design’? Read below!
A New Climate Stage: Wizards Applenty with Magic Everwhere

With Trump having long turned his back on ‘All Matters Climate Change’, and in the void of unified National Leader summits, Business and Lower Political Leaders have recently stepped onto a new Climate Change stage of their own creation: The dazzling, San Francisco Climate Action Summit, this past September, the latest. A Summit, were unlike Davos, here ‘attendees’ did bring their work to the Stage for all to hear about: Forget thoughts of ‘The Perfect Recession’, this was all about ‘Climate Change being the new ‘fuel of growth’ for the awaiting biggest growth story of The Century’! Self promotion and Brand building was the main goal.
Committing to ‘anything Zero‘, not matter how fuzzy the targets, or how far into the future they were to be delivered, newly crowned Climate Heroes got to promote the brands of their choice. Whether that be personal and / or business’s the stage didn’t care. ‘Arnie’ even dialled in from his ‘high footprint vacation’ to inspire the self anointed ‘Heroes’. This was California at its best.
This wrap up from Lord Stern of the New Climate Economy, epitomises the Summit’s Banner Message:
“The good news, as we lay out in the new report by the New Climate Economy, is that the transition to the zero-emissions economy is the growth story of this century. This is a still stronger statement than the case made by the Stern Review in 2006 that the costs of inaction exceed the costs of action. We can now see a bigger story, one of innovation, discovery, investment and growth.” Read here:
No talk of ‘The Perfect Recession‘ being needed here! It’s not just about ‘Business as usual’, it’s about the opportunity of Climate Change offering the opportunity for ‘new record growth’.
Almost all the visions presented at the Summit, were based only on the premise of the world only needing ‘Blood Transfusion Solution‘:
‘Zero everything‘ that has carbon or fossil fuels attached. Then with this new ‘Zero Blood‘, we are all free to our hearts content, to carry on ‘greed consuming’, flying, etc, again? In ‘their’ visions, there is no such thing as ‘greed’, because what was maybe greed, is now good for growth, and growth is good for jobs.
Listening to the talks, it also sounded like even the ‘Blood Transfusion’ process will be a huge party with lots of ‘Money’ to be made! What wasn’t mentioned, but clearly didn’t need stating was that all of this would be funded by printing more of that same ‘almost Free’ ‘Money’. Debt is Good!
Sounds like ‘Utopia‘ has been found! Certainly not ‘Victim Architecure’, but I sense in its magical foolhardiness, it will a Victim become!
Inconvenient Truths from a Society of Wizardry.
Founded in 1947, The Mont Pelerin Society is an influential, international classical liberal organization composed of economists, philosophers, historians, intellectuals and business leaders. “Wow, now we should definitely take their wisdom seriously!”:
Vaclav Klaus, a member and long-time Climate Change denier, described climate change as “an important part of the Mont Pelerin Society’s “agenda”, and the society advocates freedom of expression, free market economic policies and the political values of an open society.” He then goes on to say:
“I consider environmentalism and its currently strongest version – climate alarmism – to be, at the beginning of the 21st century, the most effective and, therefore, the most dangerous vehicle for advocating, drafting and implementing large scale government intervention and for an unprecedented suppression of human freedom,”
Beyond judgement, cynicism, or disregard, I believe the deeper reading of this statement, provides the ‘Wisdom to the void of wisdom‘ we are seeing in the all the pictures painted above: Why we don’t have the ‘slightest will’ to entertain the designing of ‘The Perfect Recession‘.
Klaus‘s words seem to be spoken by someone who is a denier only in Fear, and the extreme, bitter unpalatability, of The Solution he sees, that would be needed should he accept Climate Change as a reality.
He and the MP Society, no doubt are a part of the architects of ‘The System’ of today. ‘Freedom’ and ‘Free Markets’ will solve ‘everything‘
Architecting ‘The Perfect Recession‘ would then go against all he/ they believe in and have ever stood for, and would threaten their ‘Freedom’.
It is quite astounding that this has got nothing to do with ‘The Truths’ nor what is ‘Right for Humanity‘, but rather all about personal ‘Fear of the Loss of Self’. (Both The MP ‘Society Self’ that he stands for, and his own ‘Self’) He is What he is because of The System he Believes in, and in fear of finding out deeper truths, he is choosing to deny himself finding out WHO he really is as a full human? He is choosing a human belonging and turning his back on a more complete and deeper Spiritual belonging: One that properly contextualises our human place in this Cosmic Universe.
Klaus speaks of a loss of ‘Freedom’, yet in his ‘Lower Life’ context’s attachment to ‘The System’, he can’t see he is a prisoner to that same System. Without the courage to confront its untruths, he will never access REAL Freedom. That Freedom, in Submission to Our Cosmic Belonging realities.
I can’t help but think that The Wisest Man on Earth, The current President of America, in his denier stance has the exact same Fear, and deeper, Identity and Belonging crisis. Real Power comes from confronting ‘The Truths’. Cowards seek Power based on the expediency and convenience of denial of ‘The Truths’!
(Klaus‘s connection to a Climate Change and a ‘Loss of Freedom’, State control, is a vital part of resistance to ‘The Perfect Recession‘ today, and will be explored in future posts.)
Summary of The Wizards
The Good news is that their seems consensus in our threat of Civilisation Collapse? Even in ‘cowardly denial’ the need to ‘Do something Significant’ seems accepted.
The attachment to Money and Growth is a key theme, epitomised by the ‘Consume our way out of Collapse’ architect designs. The theme of a Fear of loss of Self, and it’s attachment to the Freedom of The System, drives almost all the solutions to seeking solutions ‘in the familiar’. In that regard a convenient Blood Transfusion Solution is and deemed enough. This is is required but not nearly a remedy for our ‘Chronic Condition‘: Sadly, ‘The Perfect Recession‘ in its ‘full remedy’, is too challenging to the Wise Humans’ ‘Self‘, and its ‘Belonging‘ with ‘The System’ of today.
In ignoring the real Truths of the ‘Three Red Arrows’, The Wise, are not accepting the clear Moral Brief of One Point Zero as their mandatory Architectural starting point.
In voluntarily donning that blinker they are reducing themselves to ‘Victim Architects’, and Humanity moves closer and closer, to being victum of that consensus of ‘Civilisation Collapse‘.